Thursday, August 09, 2007


by tim jackson

"Each person's loss and suffering has its own unique quality. No outsider can fully enter into it. Everyone will suffer with some form of lost. No one is exempt. And no matter what the loss, it feels like a hole has been torn in your soul that cannot be mended. The difficult but necessary process of dealing with any loss is GRIEF.

We are all dealing with LOSS.Sooner or later, the things we hold dear are taken out of our hands. Sometimes GENTLY. Sometimes HARSHLY. But always PAINFULLY.

We believe the pain is TOO big price to PAY for the joy and peace that might follow. So many of us try AVOID facing loss with the hope of CONTROLLING our PAIN.

It seems so right to AVOID pain in our lives, but by failing to FACE PAIN we LOSE the opportunity to experience the JOY that can be OURS.

We spend assive amounts of personal energy trying to avoid face-on the dreaded agony of LOSING something or SOMEONE we DEEPLY cherish and richly enjoy. The RESULT f such UNSUCCESFUL avoidanc is often DEEP ANGER and BITTERNESS.
There is however, a better way to deal of inevitable loss. We must LEARN how to put ou PAIN to WORK for us.


GRIEF is a universal complex and PAINFUL process of dealing with and adjusting to loss.

We especially grieve the loss of CHERISHED relationships. The MORE we have INVESTED in the relationship, whether it's a person, organization, ideology or even a pet, the GREATER will be the distress and PAIN of separation. Thus the depth of our grief is directy linked to the quality of the RELATIONSHIP with the individual or desired object is loss. All loses have a way of pushing us to take personal inventory of what we really HANGING ON to for a sense of PERSONAL SECURITY .

Losses FORCE us to LOOK INSIDE and SEE WAYS we HANDLE our PAIN. It HURTS to LOOK inside and TRY to UNDERSTAND why we must GRIEVE in the first place.

We grieve because we were NEVER built to HANDLE LOSS.

When we are confronted with loss, many times we FEEL UNNERVE and PARALYZED by the PAIN. It's pretty HARD for us to VIEW a painful loss as an OPPURTUNITY for POSITVE change. We NEED to FACE the UNSETTLING reality that CHANGE and LOSS are INEVITABLY LINKED, and that they are UNAVOIDABLE.

Much of the STRUGGLE we face in dealing with a LOSS centers in the CHOICE of CHANGE. LOSS and PAIN will MAKE us either BITTER or BETTER.

By UNDERSTANDING where we will be GOING, we will be better PREPARED to HANDLE it when it does COME.

We must all LEARN for ourselves that GRIEVING is a CONFUSING and DISORIENTING process that TAKES TIME. It is NOT something WE GET OVER, BUT rather it is something WE GET THROUGH.

DEEP wounds of the SOUL often REQUIRE more TIME to HEAL THAN wounds of the BODY.But HEALING will COME. We don't CONTROL the PROCESS, and that LEAVES us FEELING very DEPENDENT.

If there are no OUTWARD signs of GRIEVING, however , and the person KEEPS all the EMOTIONS INSIDE, that equally UNHEALTHY. Sooner or later the peros's DEFENSES will COLLAPSE, usually RESULTING in some FORM of DEPRESSION.

Entering the valley of ADJUSTMENT usually puts us in touch with our deep LONGING for SECURITY and PERMANENCE in RELATIONSHIPS. We don't EVER want ANYONE to LEAVE us.
ABANDONMENT is our number one FEAR. Separation and loss through death, divore and job relocation calls us to ADJUST.

ACCEPTANCE means making decisions and MOVING ON.LIFE is not OVER. It will ALWAYS be DIFFIRENT, but it STILL can be good.

the VIRTUE of PERSEVERANCE is BEST learnd in the CRUCIBLE suffering and grief.
PERSEVERANCE is the COMMITMENT to KEEP moving in the direction our compass indicates, even when we CAN'T where we're HEADING.

Those who persevere BEAR the SCARS of PAST WOUNDS. Yet they EMERGE INTACT, with a CLEARER prspective on TRUSTING GOD when ALL else FAILS.

FEELINGS of alienation, alonesss and abandnment are PREVALANT during this PERIOD. The BEST antidote for ALIENATION is to BEGIN to REINVEST in RELATIONSHIPS with HURTING people.

The RETURN of the DESIRE to LOVE again is the BEST indicator that the STAGES of GRIEF have been COMPLETED. REFUSAL to LOVE again is an indication that we're AFRAID of LOSING someone else. NO ONE ENJOY THE PAIN OF LOSS. But a deepening FAITH faith in the ONE who WILL NEVER abandon us will enable US to RISK loving AGAIN
" Only people who AVOID love can avoid GRIEF. The point is to LEARN from it and REMAIN vulnerable to LOVE"- JOHN BRANTNER
It is the final stage of GRIEF that mourners are able to REGARD their loss as a GROWTH-PROMOTING experience that has MADE them BETTER people in the PROCESS.This deepening AWARENESS of the FRAGILITY of LIFE and their place in it GIVES BIRTH to a richer APPRECIATION for the BEAUTY and IMPORTANCE of LIFE.

One PURPOSE of DEALING with grief is to INVEST in the LIVES of OTHERS who NEED the same COMFORT that COMFORTED our grief.

Until that great day of RENEWAL arrives, allow yourself the FREEDOM to ENJOY LIFE again. You are NOT BETRAYING your LOVED one if you LAUGH.ALthough life may be in a minor key for a while,JOY will CATCH us by SURPRISE. When it does ENJOY it. Begin filling your spiritual photo alabum with SNAPSHOTS of JOYFUL TIMES.

REMEMBERING what or whom you have LOST will ALWAYS cause a TWINGE of PAIN. It will times even MOVE you to TEARS again. BUT that won't be ALL.

TEARS are indication of one's HUMANESS, not indication of WEAKNESS or LACK of FAITH.

We all feel UNCOMFORTABL with situations where we can do NOTHING. Those who are grieving know that you CAN'T CHANGE what has HAPPENED. What we WANT to KNOW is, " Will YOU walk with ME along this PAINFUL PATH that I must TRAVEL?"

They FEEL ABANDONED over the LOSS of their LOVED on. The LAST thing they NEED to FEEL abandoned by OTHERS AROUND THEM. They NEED TRUE FRIENDS who will LISTEN not ONLY with their EARS but with their HEART"

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