Saturday, April 02, 2011

Review: TV series

I am already 26, what i am going to write now is a simple review of the TV series I watch as a child.

i remember as a child I always dreamt of being a doctor. Doogie Howser MD, inspired me so much but hey the only thing i can remember about that series is when they walk on the hospital and when the day ends, Doogie Howser will write on his journal using a personal computer.

Doogie howser m.d. Pictures, Images and Photos

I also wrote my journal and saved it on floppy disk and while writing this i had a little regret of saving those precious memories in that thing because right now, i would like to have a complete review on my life.... i just wonder what happened to the DOOGIE HOWSER M.D PERSONAL JOURNAL???

I was also forced to watch Mcgyver,, all I know about him is
that never used a gun.

The Simpsons: the longest cartoon ever, because until now the youngest daughter is still a baby and lisa and bart are still on their adolescent days. ( wish i was too)

The Land of the Lost: all i know is on the Land of the Lost, there are dinosaurs and 3 moons.

Land of the Lost Pictures, Images and Photos

Rescue 911 by william shatner

these are the series when i was still on 5 to 8 years old.

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