Saturday, April 09, 2011


Since I have a lot of time to waste today, I read all my blog entries since well obviously 2005.
On this review, I have realized that I am so shallow and well the entries are all about my love-life and Sponge Cola.


I hated my work, well I love my work it's just that I don't like the company where I worked. I always tell people and myself that I will resign, but the low and behold, I'm still there (almost 3years).

I'm on my leave, because well our Manager caught me logging out, or if you're still studying that's what you call cutting classes. I wanted to resign but I am so afraid that I will go nowhere, I also think the what ifs,

If i leave, what if this company is better, and the people are better?

If I stayed, what if this is no longer working for me?

Here's what's weird>>>

I am excited waking up and going to work but as soon as I get there, I change my mind, I wanted to go home, so I'll go home.

I will resign oopps maybe I won't... I will still think...

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